Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Gloom, Dispair, & Agony on Me... "Whoa"!

Okay...so you KNOW yer gettin' "old" when you throuw your back out while pulling on your sock. What's up with THAT? Thursday morning I was getting dressed for work and decided to stand while I pulled my socks on and...yep.....that's right. I lost my footing and slammed my foot down to catch myself and when I did.... WHAM, I felt my back jar out of place. I started to stretch right away thinking I would be able to work out the tightness, but to no avail. It got progressively worse throughout the day and even worse overnight. So bad that I came home early Thursday afternoon and stayed out Friday. Continued to recover over the weekend and went in to work on Monday. I ended up spending a lot of time outside on Monday which didn't help things to say the least. I got some Rx meds last night from the Doc and they are working a bit but it's one of those things that will just take a little bit of time to heal. So in the meantime...no running the high-hurdles, and no basketball.
We'll see how it's doing in the next few days....